P.6 English Enhancement Class

The English Enhancement Class for Primary 6 students focuses on developing students’ speaking skills and fostering global awareness. In the class, we aim to provide a dynamic and interactive learning environment which encourages students to communicate effectively and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Our lessons always start with reading a newspaper article. Reading newspapers helps students stay informed not only about current events, but also about stories from different regions and communities, thus, cultivating a sense of global awareness. As an extension from the newspaper articles, students also need to engage in group discussion and prepare their presentation using PowerPoint after reading. They are given autonomy to choose their partners and the topic they are interested in. Through planning and delivering their presentations, they learn how to structure their ideas, use appropriate language and visual aids, and engage their audience effectively.


What festival should we talk about?

Let’s put more pictures on our PowerPoint.

Let me tell you about this festival.

Do you know about the “Night Vibes Hong Kong” Campaign?